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Last Updated:
1/20/2025 9:23 PM

Animal Success Stories
                            " Jonsey"

  Let me tell you about Jonsey. He is a very special Chihuahua. What makes him so special,? well he survived a puppy mill for 4 years. That is never an easy feat for ANY dog.

    Puppy mills are not a good place for ANY animal. The dogs tend to live in very small wire cages, in dark, swanky barns, the cages are barely big enough for one dog, but they normally have two dogs in one cage. A male and a female, then if they have pups, the pups get to live with their parents for a few weeks, till they are pulled.
 And then the male does his job and the female is pregnant again, the female NEVER gets any breaks, they are bred from the time they are old enough until the time, they no longer produce.

 Jonsey was subjected to this treatment as well. These dogs live amoungst themsleves. They live day to day, not knowing what will happen in the next moment. They are treated worse than livestock, they are NEVER handled, they are never spoke kindly to, they are never touched, except to grab at them to give shots, sometimes, or to check for abnormalities. They do not get petted, they do not get treats, they do not getout of those wire cages, they never feel the ground, grass, carpet, nothing but wire.
    No one speaks kindly to them, they do not get very good food.
But yet they are expected to produce.

    Jonsey came to us over 6 months ago.
 I had to feed him can food sitting on the floor, and putting the can food in front of him, and avert my eyes, I was not allowed to look at him while he ate.
  I was not allowed to touch, at all, he would shiver and shake so much, I thought he would have a heart attack, literally.

 I was not allowed to put my hands on him for the first two months.
If I wanted to pet him, I had to climb in his crate, and force myself to pet him, while he would shiver and shake, and look totally terrified. I had to show him, that I would never ever hurt him, that he could trust me. I did this everyday for two months.
Until he finally allowed me to pet him, outside of the crate.

   We put a harness on him, so that we could introduce him to the outside, he would again, shiver and shake, he eyes would get so wide, I got to hate that look, it was a look of PURE fear. A fear that only a human could give him. It was at those times, that I am very glad that I do not live near a mill operation farm, for I know what I would have done to the people who had done this to this little dog.
      After awhile Jonsey got to use to grass, between his toes, and he got to like it, he learned to do his business outside, he learned that grass is sometimes good to eat.
 He also learned that carpet is very soft and it does not cut his feet like the wire did. He learned that carpet is great for when you have an itch, the carpet will help you itch it.

 He learned to trust me a bit more everyday.
 He learned what a treat was, that took a bit for him to figure out
 but once he did, he now loves treats. 

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Callie came to us from Windsor, Canada. We were her last chance to find happiness. Her former owners could not imagine why Callie was not happy in their home, they had her spayed, gave her all her shots, they even put up a big kennel in the yard for her to play and live in, but she was not happy to be by herself, she wanted a family, she wanted to live inside, she wanted Love. so she would climb the fence to find it for herself, and they surrendered her to the local shelter. Callie had stopped eating at the humane society and they feared that they would have to put her down. They asked the rescues for help, her colors drew us to her, and she came to the states. Callie proved to be a handful, she went thru a few of our foster homes, no one was able to train her, she was very loving but very high strung. Callie had separation anxiety, and we needed to work thru this issue if she were to ever find a new home. that took over a month to get over. Then she was adopted, but she was brought back a week later, as she had reverted back to the anxiety again. Callie needed a special family that would be willing to take her to Obedience training, that would be willing to put some time and effort into her training. Someone who would love her for herself. It took awhile but we finally found that special family to adopt her. It has been almost a year now and Callie is a treasured part of her home and family. We are glad to have helped her find a place where she can call home.


Charlie came to us from a Shelter in southern Ohio. He was saved from death, and placed in a foster home, but when he was not adopted out within a 6 month period, the foster family sent him back to the shelter and to being put on the urgent list. A caring shelter volunteer, pulled him, and boarded him, until a rescue could be found to help him. We came to his rescue, we could not believe that no one wanted to help this young man find his forever home. We placed him in a home in just a few short weeks of getting him up to Michigan. Charlie now resides in Algonac, with his new family. He was a dog that we NEVER thought would get a home, as he was NOT obedienced trained, had no concept of what the words no, and stop meant. And he loved to jump from high places. He has been in his new home for the past 4 months, and though his adoptive family has gone thru his bad habits, they love him unconditionally, and would NEVER dream of giving him back. Charlie is another sucess story that needed to be told. Please be responsible, and spay or neuter Your Pets.

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